In addition to the Knowledge Cafés I design and run for clients, I run public Knowledge Cafés in London several times a year. I also frequently run them in other countries around the world during my travels.
The London Cafés have been running since September 2002.
I usually hold the Cafés in the evening from 18:00 until 21:00. They are open to the public and are entirely free.
Unlike a Café held in an organizational setting, my public Knowledge Cafés are usually larger (30 – 60 people compared with 12 – 24), and their purpose is more of a learning/social one.
You can browse some of my past London Cafés here and find many more stories about the Café here.
You can learn about planned events and register for them or sign up for the mailing list here.
See here for details if you are interested in sponsoring one.

A Gurteen Knowledge Café held at the SMARTlab University of East London, England. October 2006.